‘It is one thing to look at a wave but it is quite another to get inside of It. If such a delving can be achieved, then it frees up the mind and imagination to explode with all the turbulence and even peacefulness that is inside our own minds. This wild environment provides us with a channel to open our minds and express and discover areas within ourselves that we never would have thought we possessed.’

Journey Towards Healing

‘Looking Back’, a painting by John, was chosen as the flagship image to represent a joint effort project, named ‘Journey Towards Healing’, formed by a collective of faith based groups throughout Northern Ireland. This project was funded by the Victims’ Unit, First Minister and Deputy First Minister, Stormont Castle, Belfast. The Victims’ Unit would work with a group representing faith communities to produce a resource that would support those working with victims and survivors of the troubles.
The aim of ‘Journey Towards Healing’ was to establish trauma advisory and support panels across Northern Ireland in order to develop partnerships in a range of areas relating to victims and survivors. The painting ‘Looking Back’, has been used widely throughout the project. It has received a positive response by all, as it has reflected and captured, be it in a simple fashion, the effects of the troubles.
The image has since been used as a representative symbol at International Dialogue conferences around the world, relating to trauma and support, in other war-torn and troubled regions.